#vBrownBag Follow-up Software Defined Networking SDN with Joe Onisick (@jonisick) from ProfessionalVMware on Vimeo. Related posts: True Software Defined Networking (SDN) Why Software-Defined Networking Could Revolutionize Networking A Lesson on Infrastructure from Nigeria – SDN and Networking Digging Into the Software Defined Data Center Private Cloud Infrastructure Design: Go Beyond…
Author: Joe Onisick (@JoeOnisick)
It’s Our Time Down Here– “Underlays”
Recently while winding down from a long day I flipped the channel and “The Goonies†was on. I left it there thinking an old movie I’d seen a dozen times would put me to sleep quickly. As it turns out I quickly got back into it. By the time the…
Focus on the Ball: The Application
With the industry talking about Software Defined Networking (SDN) at full hype levels, there is one thing missing from many discussions: the application. SDN promises to reign in the complexity of network infrastructure and provide better tools for deploying services at scale. What often seems to be forgotten are the…
Network Management Needs New Ideas
As networks have grown, the industry has sought better ways in which to manage them at scale. Traditional network management systems are typically device-centric, particularly for network infrastructure. These systems take a top-down management approach and use a central server to push configuration into devices and to manage device state….
Network Abstraction and Virtualization: Where to Start?
Network Abstraction and Virtualization: Where to Start? With the growth of server virtualization network designs and the associated network management constructs have been stretched beyond their intended uses. This has brought about data center networks that are unmanageable and slow to adapt to change. While servers and storage can be…
What Network Virtualization Isn’t
Brad Hedlund recently posted an excellent blog on Network Virtualization. Network Virtualization is the label used by Brad’s employer VMware/Nicira for their implementation of SDN. Brad’s article does a great job of outlining the need for changes in networking in order to support current and evolving application deployment models. He…
CloudStack Graduates to Top-Level Apache Project
The Apache Software Foundation announced in late March that CloudStack is now a top-level project. This is a promotion from CloudStack’s incubator status, where it had lived after being released as open source by Citrix. This promotion provides additional encouragement to companies and developers looking to contribute to the project,…
OpenStack Video Cage Match With Colin McNamara
This post is a little late, mainly because I’m both lazy and distracted. That being said I hope you’ll enjoy this video of Colin McNamara (@colinmcnamara) and I debating the merits of OpenStack. For more Engineer’s unplugged goodness from Amy Lewis (@commsninja) visit: http://blogs.cisco.com/datacenter/. Related posts: The Stack Wars: OpenStack…
WWT GeekDay 2013
I had the privilege this week to attend the opening keynote and SDN panel of WWT’s Geek Day. The SDN panel was made up of heavy hitters from Cisco, VMware, HP, and Embrane. They each presented their vision and solutions for SDN, then teamed up for questions. The session was…
Taking a Good Hard Look at SDN
SDN is sitting at the peak of it’s hype cycle (at least I hope it’s the peak.) Every vendor has a definition and a plan. Most of those definitions and plans focus around protecting their existing offerings and morphing those into some type of SDN vision. Products and entire companies…