For the last several months there has been a lot of chatter in the blogosphere and Twitter about FCoE and whether full scale deployment requires QCN. There are two camps on this: FCoE does not require QCN for proper operation with scale. FCoE does require QCN for proper operation and…
Month: August 2010
The Difference Between ‘Foothold’ and ‘Lock-In’
There is always a lot of talk within IT marketing around vendor ‘lock-in’. This is most commonly found within competitive marketing, i.e. ‘Product X from Company Y creates lock-in causing you to purchase all future equipment from them. In some cases lock-in definitely exists, in other cases what you really…
Bacon And Eggs as a Service (BAEaaS) at VMworld
Yeah I know the ‘and’ between bacon and eggs should be lower case but that just looks silly, let’s move on 😉 BAEaaS is a recovery tweetup following the previous nights festivities. It was originally scheduled for Tuesday but due to popular demand has been moved to Wednesday (mainly because…
Dell, Backing the Right Horse in the Wrong Race
With Dell’s announced acquisition of 3par I’ve been pondering the question of what it is they’re thinking. I’ve been scouring the blogs looking for an answer and there is none that resonates well with me. Most of what I find states they picked a good horse and that the business…
SMT, Matrix and Vblock: Architectures for Private Cloud
Cloud computing environments provide enhanced scalability and flexibility to IT organizations. Many options exist for building cloud strategies, public, private etc. For many companies private cloud is an attractive option because it allows them to maintain full visibility and control of their IT systems. Private clouds can also be further…
Why You’re Ready to Create a Private Cloud
I’m catching up on my reading and ran into David Linthicum’s ‘Why you’re not ready to create a private cloud’ ( It’s a great article and points out a major issue with private-cloud adoption – internal expertise. The majority of data center teams don’t have the internal expertise required to…
Networking Showdown: UCS vs. HP Virtual Connect (Updated)
Note: I have made updates to reflect that Virtual Connect is two words, and technical changes to explain another method of network configuration within Virtual Connect that prevents the port blocking described below. Many thanks to the Ken Henault at HP who graciously walked me through the corrections, and beat them…
10 Things to Know About Cisco UCS
Bob Olwig VP of Corporate Business Development for World Wide Technologies ( asked me to provide 10 things to know about UCS for his blog See the post 10 Things to Know About Cisco UCS here: Related posts: Cisco unified Computing System (UCS) High-Level Overview Why Cisco UCS…
FlexFabric – Small Step, Right Direction
Note: I’ve added a couple of corrections below thanks to Stuart Miniman at Wikibon ( See the comments for more. I’ve been digging a little more into the HP FlexFabric announcements in order to wrap my head around the benefits and positioning. I’m a big endorser of a single network…