One of the vendors that presented during Gestalt IT’s Tech Field day 2010 in San Jose was Aprius ( ( Aprius’s product virtualizes the PCIe I/O bus and pushes that PCIe traffic over 10GE to the server. In Aprius’s model you have an Aprius appliance that houses multiple off-the-shelf PCIe…
Disaster Recovery and the Cloud
It goes without saying that modern business relies on information technology. As a result, it is essential that operations personnel consider the business impact of outages and plan accordingly. As an illustration, Virgin Blue recently experienced a twenty-hour outage in its reservation system that resulted in losses of up to…
Intel’s Betting the Storage I/O Farm on the CPU
I had the privilege of attending Tech Field Day 4 in San Jose this week as a delegate thanks to Stephen Foskett and Gestalt IT. It was a great event and a lot of information was covered in two days of presentations. I’ll be discussing the products and vendors…
Inter-Fabric Traffic in UCS
It’s been a while since my last post, time sure flies when you’re bouncing all over the place busy as hell. I’ve been invited to Tech Field Day next week and need to get back in the swing of things so here goes. In order for Cisco’s Unified Computing System…
Promote Your Strategy to Boost Your Cloud Execution
Sitting on yet another flight during takeoff I was forced to read print because my Kindle could obviously disable the auto-pilot system and force us to crash land on a secret government island and start a horrible soap opera with a four letter title. Since Harvard Business Review isn’t available…
Where Are You?
Joe wrote an excellent guest blog on my website called To Blade Or Not To Blade and offered me the same opportunity. Being a huge fan of Joe’s I’m honored. One of my favorites blog posts is his Data Center 101: Server Virtualization. Joe explained the benefits of server virtualization in the data…
Access Layer Network Virtualization: VN-Tag and VEPA
One of the highlights of my trip to lovely San Francisco for VMworld was getting to join Scott Lowe and Brad Hedlund for an off the cuff whiteboard session. I use the term join loosely because I contributed nothing other than a set of ears. We discussed a few things,…
Shakespearean Guest Post
I got all Hamlet with my guest post on Thomas Jones blog, check it out to address ‘To blade or not to blade.’ Related posts: Post defining VN-Link My Recent Guest Spot on The Cloudcast (.NET) Podcast My First Podcast: ‘Coffee With Thomas’ Collapsing Server Management Points with UCS…
My First Podcast: ‘Coffee With Thomas’
I had the pleasure of joining Thomas Jones on his new podcast ‘Coffee With Thomas’.’ His podcast is always good, well put together and about 30 minutes. It’s done in a very refreshing conversation style as if your having a cup of coffee. If your interested in listening to us…
Data Center 101: Server Virtualization
Virtualization is a key piece of modern data center design. Virtualization occurs on many devices within the data center, conceptually virtualization is the ability to create multiple logical devices from one physical device. We’ve been virtualizing hardware for years: VLANs and VRFs on the network, Volumes and LUNs on storage,…