After sitting through a virtualization sales pitch focused around Virtual Desktop Infrastructures (VDI) this afternoon I had several thoughts on the topic I thought may be blog worthy. VDI has been a constant buzzword for a few years now, riding the coattails of server virtualization. For the majority of those…
Additional Private Cloud Blogs
For those that are interested and unaware I’ve been blogging for Network Computing for about a month on their Private Cloud Tech Center. You can find those blogs here: You should see a new one there every week or so. I will continue to publish content here as regularly…
Server/Desktop Virtualization–A Best of Breed Band-Aid
Virtualization is a buzzword that has moved beyond into mainstream use and enterprise deployment. A few years back vendors were ‘virtualization-washing’ their products and services the way many ‘cloud-wash’ the same today. Now a good majority of enterprises are well into their server virtualization efforts and moving into Virtual Desktop…
My Recent Guest Spot on The Cloudcast (.NET) Podcast
Brian Gracely, Aaron Delp, and I discuss converged infrastructure stack, tech news and industry direction: It was a lot of fun to chat with them and we covered some great topics. Related posts: My First Podcast: ‘Coffee With Thomas’ Recent Conversation with the Founder of Tolly Group Shakespearean Guest…
The Difference Between Private Cloud and Converged Infrastructure
With all of the hype around private clouds and manufacturer private cloud infrastructure stacks I thought I’d take some time to differentiate between ‘private-cloud’ and ‘converged-infrastructure.’ For some background on Private Cloud see two of my previous posts: and Private clouds typically consist of four architectural stages (I…
Technology Passion
The May 24th IDC report on server market share by the IDC validated a technology I’ve been passionate about for some time; Cisco unified Computing System (UCS.) For the first time since UCS’s launch two years ago Cisco reported server earnings to IDC with amazing result – #3 in global…
The Power of Innovative Datacenter Stacks
With the industry drive towards cloud computing models there has been a lot of talk and announcements around ‘converged infrastructure’ ‘integrated stack’ solutions. An integrated stack is pre-packaged offering typically containing some amount of network, storage, and server infrastructure bundled with some level of virtualization, automation, and orchestration software. The…
Is Private Cloud a Unicorn?
With all of the discussion, adoption, and expansion of cloud offerings there is a constant debate that continues to rear its head: Public vs. Private or more bluntly ‘Is there even such thing as a private cloud?’ You typically have two sides of this debate coming from two different camps:…
The Cloud Rules
Cloud Computing Concepts: These are Twitter sized quick thoughts. If you’d like more elaboration or have a comment participation is highly encouraged. As I’ve run out of steam on this I’ve decided to move it into a blog rather than a page. 01: Cloud is a fad like computers, the…
The Reality of Cloud Bursting
Recently while researching the concept of ‘Cloud Bursting‘ I received a history lesson in Cloud Computing after a misguided tweet at Chris Hoff (@Beaker.) My snarky comment suggested Chris needed a lesson in Cloud history, but as it turns out I received the lesson. My reference turned out to be…